Jun 24, 2009 13:55
I think all baby animals are cute. Well, apart from human babies, which I think are a bit funny looking. Children can be very cute. Babies? Not so much.
writer's block
Jun 03, 2009 22:45
Thatched cottage. Small and welcoming, but no clutter. Orchard outside. Obviously I'd need a stable and paddock as well.
Neighbors within walking distance, but not too close. Far reaching views of countryside and/or water - the further I can see the better.
writer's block
Feb 10, 2009 20:45
Hate it. It's just a load of over-comercialised crap.
But I suppose I could just be bitter and twisted, considering I have never received so much as a card in my whole life.
Huh, Valentines day. The best or the worst day of the year, depending on whether you get anything.
writer's block,
Jun 16, 2008 15:29
How ironic that this should come up today after last nights nightmare.
Epic dream is epic!
I don't have the energy to write it down now, but I will be doing soon.
writer's block